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Quiz #6 Technology and Safeguarding

Quiz #6
How can Tech help improve safeguarding?
An old man holding up his safeguard-me passport on his phone
Test your knowledge on what Tech is available today and potentially in the future
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What are some arguments for bringing more technology into safeguarding? (Choose 2)
Group of diverse disable children with their parents and a teacher
At the moment we still need human intervention to review and ensure someone’s background is safe enough to work with vulnerable groups but it won’t be too long before AI can potentially do this
Many organisations still use spreadsheets to record staff safeguarding checks, which often mean checks are missed, forgotten or quickly become out of date.
AI is still in it's infancy and there aren't any solutions we're aware of yet that can be fully implemented but it will be in the future.
If everyone working with vulnerable groups has a singular profile on a shareable database, individuals can be tracked and references checked
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What are the challenges related to the current recruitment process for roles requiring checks? (Choose 2)
Group of children all putting their hands into the centre of a cirlce
If you use our platform we walk you through the correct checks
It can take 18 weeks on average to complete all the checks required. You can do them with our system in 8 minutes!
If an individual has been pre-vetted and had a safeguarding passport like a drivers license that will speed up recruiting new team members
The barrier isn't the lack of people willing to help. The barrier occurs when they realise how many checks are required and how long they take
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What are some of the potentials barriers technology is not widely used in safeguarding? We’re giving you this answer for free…
A group of adults and children riding horses down a path next to the stables
Without a governing body checking who is working with vulnerable groups, their standards, safeguarding practices or if they are following “guidelines” there is less desire or those organisations to seek the best possible solutions.
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What benefit do digital safeguard vetting platforms offer for recruitment? (Choose 1)
a group of adults celebrating by throwing multi-coloured powder paint into the air
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What are the potential concerns for using AI in safeguarding currently? (Choose multiple)
a bunch of adults and children playing rugby together at a beach tournament
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What is the main advantage of a "portable” DBS check? (Choose 2)
a disabled swimmer who is missing a hand, swimming down a lane in a pool in a race
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What is a potential benefit of a direct government portal so anyone can request a DBS? (Choose 1)
a black girl celebrating her track medal by biting it
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What are the primary benefits for safeguarding using more technology? (Choose 3)
a deaf black girl using sign language to speak to her mother
Unfortunately not, safeguarding still needs a human element to assess risk, monitor behaviour and act on concerns.
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Why are smaller or non-profit organisations more impacted by rising DBS fees? (Choose 2)
the safeguard-me app passport
A lot of smaller organisations and not for profit groups tend to have more volunteers, eg coaches at a football clubs, so while there is still an admin fee, volunteer DBS checks are actually free
The process for safeguarding checks is the same no matter what size or organisation
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What is the perfect balance between safeguarding and technology? (Choose 1)
a mixed group of children and adults with mixed disabilities painting a chicken coop
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