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Safeguarding Risk Assessment Matrix and Scoring templates

Effective auditing and gap analysis in safeguarding practices requires a systematic approach combined with practical assessment tools

To conduct an audit of your organisations safeguarding our template helps you ensure you cover all bases and score each area appropriately.

Whilst the template includes some basics it's very important that you create a comprehensive checklist of safeguarding requirements for your organisation and sector.

You can then rate current practices against each requirement (Red/Amber/Green) and prioritise areas marked as 'Red' for immediate action.

Our Risk Scoring template can then help you prioritise which areas to focus on first by evaluating the risk based on likelihood to happen and scale of impact if it does.

Our blog goes into more detail about how to run your own internal audit but we highly recommend bringing in external auditors as well with our Safeguarding Collective partners Cornerstone Safeguarding.

How to use these risk assessment tools for your audit

template to undertake a safeguarding audit for an organisation and rate each aspect red, amber or green

Risk Assessment

  • Create your check list
Remember to ensure you list covers all your priorities. These will very from organisation to organisation and sector to sector. Whilst our template covers the basics it's not a comprehensive list.

  • Rate your performance
The template is an efficient way to ensure you review all the important elements of safeguarding for you organisation and, importantly, rate them.

Once you know your strengths and weaknesses you're in a better position to put a plan in place to close any gaps
Risk scorecard showing the likelihood vs the impact of any risk materialising

Risk Scoring

  • Identify key risks
You might find you have a few key risks to look at. These could be elements scored Red from the above or one that you've identified not via the list but through your audit
  • Score and prioritise
It can be quite daunting if you've identified a number of areas of concern so use this scoring template to help prioritise which issues are tackled first.

Having a prioritised list helps ensure you focus activity on the right thing first but when communicated it helps ensure the wider team are also aligned with your activities and support the mitigating actions.

Need help with your audit? Complete the form below