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DBS Certificate Survey

Our aim is to use this data to create a compelling narrative and advocate for positive change within the safeguarding sector and help improve policies.
1. How many BASIC DBS certificates do you have?
Most recent DBS
Second most recent
Third most recent
Forth most recent
Fifth most recent
2. How many STANDARD DBS certificates do you have?
Most recent DBS
Second most recent
Third most recent
Forth most recent
Fifth most recent
3. How many ENHANCED DBS certificates do you have?
Most recent DBS
Second most recent
Third most recent
Forth most recent
Fifth most recent
4. How many ENHANCED WITH BARRED LIST DBS certificates do you have?
Most recent DBS
Second most recent
Third most recent
Forth most recent
Fifth most recent
6. Do you think Governing Bodies and Regulators need to change their policies to accept a DBS that was sourced via another organisation?
As long as it is recent eg last 12 months
7. Should Governing Bodies and Regulators accept a DBS with Automatic Updates sourced from another organisation?
8. Would you support a centralised database for DBS checks, accessible to all organisations you allow?
9. Should the Automated Update Service be made mandatory (with the ability to cancel at anytime)?
Removing the need to renew your certificates
Complete these details if you'd like a copy of the report
All responses are anonymous, and we will only use the aggregated data to gain valuable insights into the challenges surrounding DBS checks. If you provide your contact details these will only will be used to send you a report of the survey. By clicking the submit button you agree to our Privacy Policy